*in Kooperation mit Patrizia Pepe.
Unfortunately the Christmas holidays are now over, but a very special event is still waiting for us. The night, when you think of the past year, reflect on old times and already plan new intents for the upcoming year – New Year’s Eve. Barely a day is more celebrated by the entire nation than this special day. The old year is passed and the new year is welcomed with fireworks, glitter and lots of champagne.
Therefore the expectations for this particular evening are always very high. In terms of food and drinks you can definitely lay it on thick. But to plan the perfect New Year’s Eve party can also be very stressful for all of us. Questions about questions …
„Where do we celebrate New Year’s Eve, with whom do we celebrate New Year’s Eve? Where do we watch the fireworks? What do we eat and what do we drink?“
But there is one question, which makes us women crazy all over again. The questions of all questions:
„What do I wear?“
I must also confess, as soon as the Christmas holidays are over, I think of this question several times. Because of course on this kind of special night all of us women want to look extra gorgeous. On this evening you can forget about the saying „Less is more!“. Just like the food, the outfit can also be a little bit outstanding.
The outfit may sparkle and glitter and be sequined with sequins and rhinestones. But beware, especially these glittering clothes, can easily look „cheap“. Like always quality matters most. Accordingly, the small glitter dress must not be too short and not too tight.
For my New Year’s Eve look I also decided to wear a short sequin dress by Patrizia Pepe. It has a loose A-line cut and is studded with numerous small silver sequins. With a few black details, I completed my look. Therefore in terms of my outfit I’m very well prepared for the new year 2017.
3 … 2 … 1 … HAPPY NEW YEAR!
My Look:
Dress Patrizia Pepe (Shop hier)
Vest: Patrizia Pepe (Shop hier)
Purse: Patrizia Pepe (Shop hier)
Oh was für ein tolles Kleid <3 Ich bin auch für Glitzi an Silvester auch wenn man den Abend nur gemütlich mit Freunden zuhause verbringt, denn ein bisschen Glitzer und Glamour können sicherlich nie schaden 😉
Toller Look!
Liebst Kathi
Ich liebe deine Armbänder (besonders das mit dem Herz). Du musst mir unbedingt sagen wo du die gekauft hast… 😉