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Bags are always a really important topic for us women. My designer bags are something very special for me, because as a child I would have never dreamed of owning a few of such treasures. Every purchase is well thought and planned several months in advance. If you spend so much money it should definitely be the perfect bag. But even with designer bags you can get a bargain, you just have to know how.
Where can I find good vintage designer shops that are also trustworthy? At online shops you should definitely make sure that the bags are checked. Do these shops have trust seals? A hint that the shop is legitimate is also if you are able to pay with PayPal, because here you can ask the money back through PayPal, if the bag is a fake. Often many girls look for designer bags via Ebay. There you have to be very careful. Partly, I heard a lot of good things when shopping via Ebay, but also some horror stories. So my tip if you want to shop via Ebay, just look for sellers in your area. Because then you can drive to the seller and see how the bag looks in real.
If you aren’t an online shopper, you can also find some great stuff at vintage stores. Of course, it’s a bit harder to find the perfect bag, because the range isn’t as big as online. But also in the stationary trade you can find beautiful bags for a great price. When buying, always pay attention how the bag looks and how it is processed. What do the seams look like? And how is the stitching of the seams? Do they really look like they have to? Is this material made of leather? And has the bag an ID number? Almost all designer bags have a stamped ID number, which usually is a little hidden, but every bag has one. Just be attentive, then you will notice whether the store is serious or not.

Dress: Marc Cain (similar here)
Shoes: Aldo (similar here)
Bag: Chanel (similar here)
Shades: Ray Ban (here)
Liebe Sonja,
ich bevorzuge seriöse Läden oder Online-Anbieter, wo geprüft wird. Bei Ebay-Käufen bin ich immer sehr skeptisch. Aber in konnte schon einige gute Schnäppchen machen und mir ein oder zwei Träume so erfüllen.
Liebe Grüße,
von tabsstyle.com
Oh ja, da bin ich auch ganz bei dir. Lieber zwei Mal nachschauen ob der Verkäufer seriös ist als am Ende mit einer unechten Tasche da zu sitzen.
xx Sonja