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Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel, Gucci & Co are brands that make the heart of many fashion-loving women skips a beat. There is hardly a woman who does not dream of owning a handbag from a trendy luxury label. However, the expensive and popular designer bags are not only popular with fashion fans. Counterfeiters also try to do big business with fake goods. If you are still looking for good prices and the charm of vintage handbags, you should note a few things:
Luxury second-hand websites like rebelle.com or vestiairecollective.com have made a name for themselves in the industry and I also like to look around here. Because the authenticity of the items is checked and guaranteed. In order to be doubly sure you should look at some of the characteristics of the bags.

1.Take a close look at the handbag
Specific edges, seams, embossing, applications and logos make a bag recognizable. Anyone who deals with the details carefully before buying a designer handbag is less likely to fall for a fake. The situation is similar when it comes to different models and color variations. Sometimes fake bags are produced, which are not available in the execution. Color deviations can also indicate counterfeiting, since the nuances of plagiarism are often significantly lighter or darker than the original product.
2.Logo, serial number and proof of purchase
The quickest way to distinguish a fake from an original is to take a closer look at the characteristic logo. In addition, the bag should always have a serial number and be offered with a proof of purchase from the previous owner. This makes the bag very easy to make out as an original.
3.The price
If an offer seems too good to be true, you have to be extremely careful. The price must be in some relation to the new price, otherwise it can be an indication that something is not quite right. Of course there are also very good offers, which are always due to the condition of the piece. If a bag is very convincing in terms of price, it is worth taking an additional look at the condition and possible signs of wear. Small blemishes can often even be corrected by a specialist or give the designer bag its very special charm.
I’ve wrote down my favorit brands and hope to that this will make it easier for you to find a designer bag.
Photocredit: Jeremy Möller
Jacket: Zara (similar here)
T-Shirt: TELLEM (hier)
Pants: LeGer by Lena Gercke (here)
Boots: Zara (similar here)
Bag: MiuMiu (similar here)
Danke für die ganzen Tipps! Wenn ich mit dem Gedanken spiele mir eine Vintage Designertasche zu kaufen, dann werde ich definitiv noch einmal hier vorbeischauen.
Liebste Grüße aus Hamburg,
Jenny von http://www.changeable-style.com