Wir sitzen wahrscheinlich gerade im Flugzeug Richtung Mailand, denn für uns gehts zur Fashion Week. Die Koffer sind gepackt und hoffentlich ist nichts vergessen. Continue Reading
The winter and the cold temperatures are getting longer and longer and at the moment it feels like the cold temperatures doesn’t want to end at all. I fight against this freezing weather by wearing something cozy and warm. Continue Reading
When the Fashion Week season is around the corner I’m always up to try something new with my clothes. At a shopping trip here in Hamburg I found the Adidas joggers and somehow I immediately wanted them. Continue Reading
The Fashion Week in Berlin is always a highlight for us and I think, the year couldn’t start any better. Every crazy fashion victim show up and it is a week of nothing else but fashion shows and side events. Continue Reading
The winter blues is slowly noticeable everywhere. The days are gray, wet and cold and it is getting harder to get out of bed in the morning. In january I often fall into a kind of winter sleep. Continue Reading
*this article contains Affiliate Links & PR Samples A few weeks ago I showed you the first part of my so-called… Continue Reading
*this article contains Affiliate Links & PR Samples Today I would like to share a theme with you that concerned me… Continue Reading
Winter time has probably just begun in Hamburg. The days are getting darker and colder. If you aren’t dressed super warm, you can catch a cold real quick. Continue Reading
Weihnachten steht kurz bevor, um genau zu sein sind es nur noch zwei Tage bis wir alle mit unseren Familien unter dem Tannenbaum sitzen, uns gegenseitig beschenken und das essen genießen. Continue Reading