Sweden, Greece, Germany, Poland: since Corona, we haven’t visited so many different countries in just one month for a long time. Most of the time, I stayed at home in Hamburg and held the position there. But you can also make the best of it at home and just enjoy the time with friends and family. Continue Reading
Once again the month was all about weddings. Henrik and I got married at the Castle in Reinbek and had the most beautiful day of our lives. Continue Reading
June couldn’t have been more exciting. Because as you already know, this beautiful summer month was my wedding month. On June 12th, 2020 Flo and I said “Yes!” in the beautiful “Schloß Eutin”… Continue Reading
May: We have lost track of how many weeks we have been working from home. Since March the world has been a little quieter than we have ever seen it before. Nevertheless, it is no less exciting because a lot is going on behind the scenes and there are daily news about our wedding preparations. Continue Reading
This month was probably not only for me the most unusual month in a long time. We are all at home and our everyday life has changed completely from one day to the next. But meanwhile I have already set up a proper daily rhythm here at home and so I have the feeling that time is just passing by. Continue Reading
The month started completely normal. But who would have thought that all this would change soon. Read more about it in our Monthly Recap March. Continue Reading
October was probably the most turbulent month in a long time for me. I’ll tell you why it is also connected with one of the most beautiful surprises… Continue Reading
Kurz vor der Weihnachtszeit ging es noch einmal richtig rund bei uns. Eine Reise folgte auf die andere und es gab Wochen, in denen wir fast täglich am Flughafen waren. Dementsprechend war es ein sehr aufregender Monat, den ich im Folgenden versuche kurz und knapp für euch zusammenzufassen.
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October is a month, when we can take a deep breath in, have a scheduled working routine after a very busy September and have time to process all paper work. Continue Reading