I’ve always wondered how some bloggers can cope with traveling for months. To live day to day out of a suitcase, from one fashion week to the next and from one place to the next… and just never to be at home. Continue Reading
I will tell you why I had very little time this time to prepare for Fashion Week and how I managed to put the looks together. Continue Reading
The flare pants are back and with it many memories from my childhood. I love this new fashion trend and I cannot wait to hear what you think… Continue Reading
You would have laughed when you had seen how my apartment looked like when I was packing my suitcase for Berlin. Since we spend last week in Berlin, I had to arrange and prepare everything during the past weeks already. That means everything I love and was proven to be useful was already in moving boxes. Which kind of made it difficult for me to choose my outfits but I had a “strategy” which went really well for all my fashion week looks. Continue Reading
Jedes Jahr aufs Neue starten wir unser neues Jahr mit der Berlin Fashion Week. Um ehrlich zu sein kann ich gar nicht mehr mitzählen, wie oft wir bisher schon in der Hauptstadt zur alljährlichen Modewoche waren. Continue Reading
rendthema: Blumenkleider – Diese Kleider begleiten uns durch den Sommer
“Was wäre der Sommer ohne strahlenden Sonnenschein, blühende Blumen und bunte Sommerkleider?”
Wenn wir an die wärmste Jahreszeit denken, assoziieren wir sofort bunte Farben, angenehme Temperaturen und allgemein positive Vibes. Sobald die Sonne scheint, scheint jeder automatisch besser gelaunt und motivierter in den Tag zu starten. Continue Reading
At the beginning of July the German and international fashion scene will come together again in Berlin. This time the three of us will be in the capital again for Fashion week, after I couldn’t be there in January. Looking back over the past few years, it’s really crazy how often we’ve been around and how the MBFW has changed since then. Continue Reading
*this article contains Affiliate Links & PR Samples “All Red – from head to toe” There are many basic rules… Continue Reading
*this article contains Affiliate Links & PR Samples “MBFW Berlin – The first fashion week only for us two! …… Continue Reading