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“Weightless in the City of Angels!”
Los Angeles – a city with unlimited opportunities, where dreams come true and imaginary wings grow out of a woman’s back. The City of Angels was for me always a dream, which could finally be fulfilled this year. Even as a little girl, I dreamed of feeling the sand between my toes at Malibu Beach, strolling over the stars of the Walk of Fame and shooting a few snapshots at the Hollywood Sign. Childhood dreams, which are only known from movies and which are now finally aroused to reality … But where do I begin?
“How do I prepare myself for my L.A. trip?”
Which hotspots do I want to visit? And, of course, the questions of all questions – what do I wear? To prepare you for your next California trip, I’ll tell you our five favorite hotspots in Los Angeles. But…
“First things first”
Let’s start with the most important thing – the outfit. For my little bike tour at the Santa Monica Pier, I decided to have a summer like look in my Safari dress by OTTO. The dress fits perfectly into the beautiful brown-green palm trees. And of course one thing can’t be missed – the sunglasses. With a bright blue sky and beautiful sunshine, you can’t leave the house without it.
Now, since we are already talked about Santa Monica, let’s continue with our hotspots…
1. Santa Monica Pier
2. Runyon Canyon / Hollywood Sign Hike
3. Abbot Kinney BLVD Shopping
4. Joshua Tree National Park
5. LACMA – Los Angeles County Museum

Shop my Look:
Dress: Next via OTTO (hier)
Sunglasses: Ray Ban via OTTO (hier)
Sandals: Guess via OTTO (hier)
Belt: via OTTO (hier)
Die Bilder sind wirklich toll! Ich war erst kürzlich in LA und wenn ich die Bilder sehe vermisse ich es richtig dort <33
Love, Tschok
Das Kleid ist sehr schön, woher ist das? Wenn ich nämlich auf den Link von Otto klicke ist da ein ganz anderes Kleid zu finden, das lange nicht so schön aussieht wie dass das du trägst. Die Bilder finde ich ganz toll!!!
Joshua Tree National Park liegt mindestens 2,5 Stunden östlich von L.A.