Some time ago I told you a little bit about my skin problems on Instagram Stories and asked you if you wanted to know more about it. You guys expressed a lot of interest and therefore I would like to share my story with you.
I’ll just tell the story from the beginning. At the age of 14 I had very bad acne, the dermatologist couldn´t help me, so she sent me to the gynaecologist to get the pill prescribed. So far so good. My skin changed for the better and I was free of pimples. But after more than ten years I decided to stop taking the pill and three months later the shock. I felt like a 15-year-old girl who was thrown back into puberty. That was about three years ago. I went to the dermatologist and to the cosmetician, but somehow nothing worked properly. In between I did a cure for acne, you can find the blog post about it here, which helped me during the time I took the medication. I would also say that it was generally a bit better afterwards but still not so that I always felt comfortable in my skin.
Last year I went to the cosmetics department every month and had my skin cleaned, but by the end of the year it was getting so bad again that I decided to look for other ways to find the cause of my acne this year.
“Love the skin you’re in.”
I know for many of you this is a tiresome subject because most of you probably have pore-clean skin and can’t understand how annoying it is to feel uncomfortable in your skin. I know a lot of girls who also suffer from acne and I know that the disease can lead to a strong psychological strain, which does not have a positive effect on the skin. I kind of made my peace with it. I know that I have acne and it annoys me, but I don’t always try to think about it or feel bad about it. Of course I also leave the house without make-up. My family sees me more often without make-up and Henrik compliments me much more when I’m all natural. I know that my family loves me the way I am, but I also have accepted myself the way I am. I am a human being and I am not perfect, but I would also like to have beautiful skin.
What has changed in the last year?
- I try to listen to my body needs more. I no longer drink dairy milk and try not to eat so much meat.
- I changed beauticians at the end of last year and found out that I had completely wrongly cared for my skin. Far too rich and with far too many products. For example, I have peeled my skin very rarely, a huge mistake. This means that old skin flakes cannot be removed and new inflammations develop much more quickly.
- I drink ginger tea every day because it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- I use disposable washcloths to dry my face, because there are many more bacteria in towels than you think.
- For my décolleté and my back use 5% Benzaknen as washing gel. That is really the only thing that really helped me for these places.
A few weeks ago I went to an alternative practitioner for the first time because I am firmly convinced that I have some kind of intolerance or allergy of which I don’t know of. I try to treat acne from the outside as best I can, but most of the time the cause is within the body. Now I get to the bottom of it. In a few weeks I will get the test results back and tell you all about it in a second blog entry. I am super excited and hope that I will find a way to fight acne completely.

Danke, dass du das mit uns teilst, das ist sehr mutig. Ich hatte selbst jahrelang Probleme mit Akne, hätte mich aber niemals getraut das öffentlich zu machen. Du bist aber wunderschön – mit und ohne Photoshop. 🙂 Ich bin meine Akne übrigens durch Akkupunktur losgeworden. So richtig habe ich das bis heute nicht verstanden, hatte aber wohl etwas mit Energien in meinem Körper zu tun. Ich bin einfach nur froh, dass ich es nach Jahren endlich losgeworden war. Ist jetzt immer noch sehr befreiend. Das wünsche ich dir auch! 🙂 Ich kann übrigens auch noch Astaxanthin sehr empfehlen. Ein Antioxidanz, das der Haut bei der Regeneration hilft, was natürlich auch Pickeln vorbeugt. Mehr Informationen dazu kannst du auch hier nachlesen: Dir auf jeden Fall alles Gute! 🙂
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Monique, vielen lieben Dank für deine tollen Worte. Ich bin total begeistert, dass die Akne bei dir durch Akupunktur weg gegangen ist. Ich glaube dies hat so viel mit Energie zu tun. Wir waren auf Bali auch bei einem Heiler und ich bin total begeistert gewesen nach der Behandlung. Ich werde aber in dem nächsten Blogbeitrag, über meine Hauptprobleme, noch mehr darüber berichten 🙂
Ganz Liebe Grüße,