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In my first blog post (here), I told you a lot about my story. Today I would like to share with you what I have changed, how my skin has developed and how I feel at the moment.
My experiences with the alternative practitioner
At the end of February I visited the alternative practitioner for the first time because I was convinced that the cause of my acne came from within. So I had my first session with my alternative practitioner and we talked about everything about my body for about an hour. What do I eat? What diseases have I had so far? How many medications do I take or how many antibiotics have I taken in recent years? Blood was taken from me and it should turn out whether I have a food intolerance or whether something else in my body is the reason that my skin was so bad. When the results arrived after three weeks, I first had a big heart attack, because no, I have no histamine intolerance. However, I have an intolerance to eggs and pineapples. But the blood test showed something else. My body cannot detoxify already on cell level and the toxins which are taken up in the body cannot be transported away. This is one of the reasons why I have acne. The toxins are not excreted now like with every other, but are transported away over the skin, which causes again inflammations and acne. I’m honest, I’ve never heard anything like this before, but I’m very happy that something was found at all. Another finding of the alternative practitioner was that my intestine was not in such an optimal condition. Another reason which can cause acne. After the second appointment I went out with a lot of new information and a long note with medication and was glad that I can now finally take active action against acne.
What medications am I taking right now?
Through my blood values, the alternative practitioner was able to create a plan with dietary supplements adapted to my needs. At the moment I take tablets to detoxify, intestinal bacteria, a drinking moor (not only does it sound disgusting, it’s really disgusting), zinc, iron, vitamin B and vitamin D. This should help my body to regenerate and remove the toxins from my body on a cellular level. In addition to the medication, I also have to avoid eggs, pineapple and industrial sugar. Easier said than done. For me this means no Franzbrötchen (French rolls), no cake, no breakfast egg and no cola. Foods that were almost part of my everyday life. I love to eat and above all I have never banned myself from eating in my life. When I wanted something, I just ate it. I have to admit that it hasn’t gone so badly so far. I try to stay away from all foods in which the sugar literally jumps at me. Of course, there are still a few exceptions from time to time, two very small ones, but at the moment I’m trying as hard as I can.
How do I feel?
Since the beginning of March, I have noticed how my well-being and my body have changed, for the better. I am full of energy, my skin has hardly any impurities and inflammations and I just feel really good. The first six weeks are behind me and now the next six weeks are starting. I am very curious how things will go on afterwards, but I am very positive and am very happy to simply listen to my body and pay more attention to myself.

Pullover: Weekday (similar here)
Top: Weekday (here)
Denim: Levi’s 501 Skinny (here)
Shoes: Kurt Geiger (here)
Bag: Dior (here)
Shades: Ray Ban (here)
Ich hatte genau das selbe Problem ,nach meiner Darmsanierung ging es mir so viel besser .
Oh das freut mich sehr zu hören, dass es bei dir so gut funktioniert hat. Ich bin auch guter Dinge und bin super gespannt wie die nächsten Wochen sich bei mir entwickeln.