Winter Skin – my beauty secret

*Advertisement/ In Collaboration with Elizabeth Arden

Winter has many nice sides. The cozy time of the year begins. You spend more time at home, chuckling under a cozy blanket with a cup of tea in your hand, you can read your favorite book in the soft candlelight. Oh, winter time can be so nice. Just sit back, take time for yourself and let your mind wander.

But even if you treat yourself to an extra portion of Me-Time at this time of year, one point is often neglected: In the fourth and coldest season, nobody suffers like our own skin. No wonder the dry, warm heating air removes moisture from the skin.

“Who doesn’t know it, you get chapped lips that tend to tear, the dark shadows under the eyes are more noticeable and the first expression lines are visible.”

How would it be if I tell you now that we have two super helpful insider tips to avoid dry winter skin once and for all?

1. Hydration

The simplest and most important advice is to drink lots of water. Make sure to drink at least two liters of pure water (no coffee, no juice, no tea, etc.). Even if it is difficult on some days, it is super important to provide the body with enough moisture, especially in winter.

2. Vitamin C Ceramide Capsules

But drinking water alone is not enough. Because the skin must be provided with sufficient moisture not only must from the inside but also from the outside. For two years now we have been using Elizabeth Arden’s Ceramide capsules filled with the Radiance Renewal Serum. We are all more than excited that they have been reissued and contain a true power duo: Vitamin C & Ceramide. Together they act as miracle cures that make a difference like day and night. Already with the application you notice how the silky soft substance of the serum hugs your own skin and supplies it with moisture. The skin appears more even and more radiant significantly. 

„In this new capsule the superpowers of vitamin C and ceramides are used. They make the skin glow, nourish it and strengthen its natural moisture barrier.“

– Elizabeth Arden

By the way: you can buy the C Ceramide Capsule hier.


The three of us got to know the Ceramide Capsules for the first time at the MBFW in January 2018 in Berlin and were immediately enthusiastic about the small golden wonder capsules after their first use. I never thought that a product that I thought was “perfect” for myself at the time could become even better. But lo and behold – with the Vitamin C Ceramide Capsules Radiance Renewal Serum by Elizabeth Arden my skin gets the freshness kick it needs in winter.

I have usen the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream for the lips for years already and now the Vitamin C Ceramide Capsules are an integral part of my winter care routine.

So I am well prepared for the colder times and can do something really good for my skin. And believe me, the sooner you start with the right care, the better. Because your skin will be very grateful for that in a few years!

xo Kira

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