Detox Yourself – Why It’s So Releasing To Tidy Up Your Life

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All of you are probably familiar with the situation, to stand in front of your closet and not knowing what to wear, even though the wardrobe is full? I think almost every woman knows this phenomenon, but why?

The wardrobe is simply too full, your favorite clothes are superimposed by all the others and so you just lose track. I’ve made it a routine to sort out old clothes, trying to be very strickt. My rule includes, that all the clothes I haven’t worn for more than a year will be sorted out. It is such a liberating feeling to suddenly have room in the closet and to actually know what’s inside. By sorting out your wardrobe you will suddenly find old beloved things, like the top I’m wearing today.  I think I own it for more than three years now. Actually, it is one of my favorite tops to wear in summer. It is that one pieces I am not ready to sort out yet.


In case it is difficult for you to sort out things, I will give you a few tips:

1. Turn on your favorite music. Believe me, cleaning up will be much more fun.

2. Ask yourself these questions: When did I wear the item last time? Was it more than a year ago? Did I actually know that I had this piece?

3. Find someone who helps you. My boyfriend is so much better in sorting out my clothes than me. Most likely, because he isn’t emotionally attached to the things like I am. And tidying up is much more fun together.

4. Reward yourself in the end. This doesn’t have to be anything big. I’m always very happy to put beautiful flowers in the freshly tidied up room.


xo Sonja






By the way, you can find our wardrobes here, at Mädchenflohmarkt:








Jacket: Fabienne Chapot (similar here)

Top: Brandy & Melville (similar here)

Pants: H&M (here)

Shades: Ray Ban (here)

Shoes: Birkenstock (here)

Bag: Pull & Bear (here)

Scarf: Oh April (here)


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