*this article contains Affiliate Links & PR Samples
Flatlays on white marble tables, macarons and FWIS images … somehow we all know them, the blogger clichés on Instagram. Now another trend seems to collapse over us.
I’m talking about blogger flea markets, where bloggers sell their treasures.
We also have participated in similar events in the past and we watch a growing interest in these events. That’s why I like to reflect this topic a bit more and would like to share my experiences and thoughts with you, today.
Initially the introduction may appear, that I have a negative opinion about blogger flea markets. But this isn’t the case. I love browsing on flea markets and finding unique pieces. On the other hand, I’m very grateful for the opportunity to sell some of my clothes to other girls and hope to make them happy. We work in the fashion industry and you certainly don’t feel inspired, if we always show the same pieces of clothing for a long time. Therefore, it’s obvious, that we buy a lot more clothes and certainly get some press samples. But in our case, the own buying behavior definitely outweighs, because we like to invest in beautiful clothes.
For a long time I sold my old clothes at Kleiderkreisel. In the meantime, we’re simply unable to integrate taking pictures, do article description, handle the checkout and shipping in our daily work routine. Therefore, we switched to the service of Mädchenflohmarkt.
For those who are interested, you will find our “wardrobes” under the following names:
But of course it’s even better, if we can get in touch with you personally at blogger flea markets and enjoy great conversations. This is fun and also gives us a lot of positive energy.
But there may be others, who don’t want to support bloggers making money with samples or gifts, for example. Maybe the idea comes up “Why not just steal a watch, they got them as a gifting anyway!” – These were thoughts, that I had to deal with after my last flea market experiences. Or how can you justify, that an expensive watch was stolen and Kira even had to accept a loss of several hundred euros?
That really made me sad, because we never had the desire to earn a lot of money, but to sell well-preserved clothing for fair prices to our readers. This way we can make space for something new and maybe make some of you happy with it.
Perhaps even a few people know, that bloggers pay taxes on non-cash benefits, such as samples or equipment for cooperations. Isn’t it fair, if we can reduce this tax expense by selling some of those things? Moreover, a flea market is still a great opportunity to acquire high-quality accessories and clothing at low prices.
For my part, I’m always excited about bargains and got this blazer from Jenny at a flea market last weekend. Especially for blogger flea markets, it pays off to look for a special accessories, like a designer bag, jewelery or shoes. Because the chance to find designer stuff, is definitely bigger, than at any other flea markets 😉
I would be very happy to hear your opinion about this topic. What do you like about blogger markets or are you already oversaturated with the many events?

Coat: Tom Tailor (here)
Blazer: Zara (similar here)
Pants: Gina Tricot (similar here)
Shoes: (similar here)
Shirt: Monki (similar here)
Clutch: H&M (similar here)
Earrings: Asos (here)
Also Stehlen geht gar nicht. Aber auch wenn Uhr auf Sachleistungen Steuern zahlt, muss man dann nicht auch die Veräußerung von zur Verfügung gestellter Ware versteuern ( geht ja nicht um ein paar Teile). Und diese Blogger Flohmärkte machen ja schon einen gewerblichen Anschein, oder?
Wo kann ich mir Informationen holen, wo und wann die Bloggerflohmärkte stattfinden?
Hallo Jayda,
oft teilen die teilnehmenden Blogger die bevorstehende Veranstaltung auf ihren sozialen Medien. Aber auch im Radio und auf ortsspezifischen Facebookseiten, wie “Heute in Hamburg” wird über diese Veranstaltungen informiert:)
Ganz liebe Grüße,
Schöner Beitrag! Leider ist es so, dass auch die Einnahmen der PR – Samples (die ja auch versteuert werden müssen, wie du ja auch schreibst) versteuert werden müssen. Ich hasse dieses System. Wir können uns von Cremes & Co ja schließlich nicht verpflegen… und dann müssen wir diese, die wir ja für unsere Arbeit bekommen haben, auch noch teilweise bezahlen. Ich dachte auch, ich könnte einfach so ein paar Teile im Internet verkaufen… aber die Steuer macht da echt einen Strich durch die Rechnung.
Liebe Grüße,
Sarah von http://www.vintage-diary.com