Beauty Hacks – It’s All About The Legs & Feet

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Beauty Hacks – It’s All About The Legs & Feet… The summer is coming and the legs and feet are still in hibernation. Today we tell you some tricks, that you can make your legs and feet look gorgeous and endure long party nights on high heels without problems!

Beauty- Hack Nr.1: Selfmade Gleam-Lotion

Lotions with gold particles make our legs appear smooth and supple. And the best part is, that you can make them quite easily yourself. Just mix a little highlighter in the normal body lotion, apply and shine bright.



Beauty-Hack Nr. 2: Conditioner Instead Of Shaving Cream

Unsightly stubbles are growing on the legs and shaving cream is empty? No panic! You can use  conditioner instead of shaving cream. This works just as well and makes the skin incidentally also really nice and soft.


Beauty Hack Nr. 3: Facewater Against Tan Lines

For sure every women wants nothing more than beautiful brown legs in summer. If they look more like a chipmunk, after applying the self-tanner,  face water is the resolution. Just put a little face water over the affected area and rub the tan lines. They will disappear in seconds!


Beauty- Hack Nr. 4: Vaseline Against Blisters

When we certainly know, that our joy will soon clouded over the new pretty summer sandals by nasty blisters. Remedy creates the good old Vaseline! Simply apply to the blister danger zones and your feet will love your new shoes.

Beauty Hack Nr. 5: No Pain In High Heels Again

Every woman knows the problem, that the feet start to burn after a few hours in high heels. The solution is called retention sheet, that you can get in any pharmacy or drugstore. (The tape, which is actually used for fixing bandages) Wrap the tape around the third toe and fix the fourth toe also with it. The nerve, which is responsible for the evil pain is immobilized in this way and we can confidently dance on high heels the whole night.

With this hacks you are well prepared for the summer. Take out your favorite high heels and sandals and wear them with proud <3
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